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XSB Price Point requires Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or other compatible browsers that support HTML 4.01, CSS1, & CSS2, frames, Javascript, cookies and Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL). Using older browsers, non-compatible browsers or disabling browser features, such as Javascript, cookies and SSL, may reduce site functionality. If you are accessing the web site through a firewall or proxy, check with your Network Administrator to determine if cookies are permitted.
To find the version of the browser you are using, go to the Help menu and choose "About...". A screen will appear showing which browser and version you are using.
XSB Price Point requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or other compatible browsers that support HTML 4.01, CSS1, & CSS2, frames, Javascript, cookies and Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL). Using older browsers, non-compatible browsers or disabling browser features, such as Javascript, cookies and SSL, may reduce site functionality. If you are accessing the web site through a firewall or proxy, check with your Network Administrator to determine if cookies are permitted.
From your browser, go to the Apple menu. Choose the "About" menu of the browser. A screen will appear showing which version you are using.
Instructions provided at the following links will help you with download and installation. Please check with you Network Administrator before installing any software.